Frequently Asked Questions

What is Somninaut?

Somninaut is a dream journal app that allows you to record, track, and analyze your dreams. You can log your dreams, track attributes like vividness and lucidity, and request AI-powered dream analyses. It’s free to use, with premium features available through credits.

How do I create an account?

To create an account, simply visit the registration page and fill in the required fields: email, username, and password. You can also enter a signup code if you have one (see the "What is a signup code?" section for more details). Once you've completed the form, click the "Register" button to begin your journey with Somninaut.

What is a signup code?

A signup code is a special offer that can be used to unlock unique features or bonuses when you register for Somninaut. These codes may be provided through promotions, giveaways, or marketing campaigns. If you have a signup code, simply enter it in the registration form to claim your bonus.

What are credits and how do they work?

Credits are used to request AI-based dream analyses in Somninaut. Each analysis costs one credit. You'll receive 10 free credits when you sign up. Credits are used to unlock premium features and analyses that offer more personalized interpretations of your dreams.

How do I get credits?

  • Free Credits: When you sign up, you receive 10 free credits to get started.
  • Purchasing Credits: If you run out of credits, you can purchase more through your profile page or directly from the journal.
  • Bonus Credits: Earn free bonus credits by completing milestones and quests.
    • Quests:
      • Silliest Warrior: Use every humorous dream analyst at least once.
      • Reward: 5 Credits
      • Serious Business: Use every serious dream analyst at least once.
      • Reward: 10 Credits
      • Analyst Gnosis: Use every dream analyst at least once.
      • Reward: 20 Credits
    • Milestones:
      • First Steps: Log your first dream.
      • Reward: 1 Credits
      • Persistent Beginner: Consecutively log dreams for 3 days.
      • Reward: 1 Credits
      • Dedicated Writer: Consecutively log dreams for 1 week.
      • Reward: 2 Credits
      • Long Haul: Consecutively log dreams for 1 month.
      • Reward: 5 Credits
      • One Year Anniversary: Celebrate your 1 year anniversary with Somninaut.
      • Reward: 10 Credits
      • Dream Enthusiast: Log 10 dreams.
      • Reward: 1 Credits
      • Dream Collector: Log 50 dreams.
      • Reward: 2 Credits
      • Dream Master: Log 100 dreams.
      • Reward: 5 Credits
      • Social Dreamer: Share your first dream.
      • Reward: 1 Credits

How do I keep track of my credits?

Screenshot of credit vault section of the profile page

You can track your credit balance in the "Credit Vault" section of your Profile page. Here, you can see how many credits you currently have and check your credit history, including credits you've earned or purchased.

What credit purchase options do you offer?

We offer credit bundles for purchase to unlock additional AI-powered dream analyses. The credits are applied to your account immediately upon purchase. The following credit bundles are currently available:

  • Sleep Seeker: $2.99 for 25 Credits
  • Astral Warrior: $5.99 for 50 Credits
  • Nocturnal Navigator: $9.99 for 100 Credits
  • Lucid Master: $15.99 for 200 Credits

If you encounter any issues making purchases or if you have problems with previous purchases, please reach out to our support team at [email protected] for assistance.

What do the AI dream analysts do?

The AI dream analysts The AI dream analysts offer personalized interpretations of your dreams, each based on their unique backgrounds and personalities. You can choose from over 40 different dream analysts, offering both serious and humorous analysis of your dream journal entries.

Serious AI analysts will offer sincere and deeply contemplated analysis of your dream journal entry, drawn from their own carefully selected personal experiences, cultures, academic, and or spiritual backgrounds. Humorous AI analysts are more relaxed and provide often silly, but certainly funny results!

How do I search journal entries?

Screenshot of the search input in the nav bar at the top of the page

While logged into your account, you'll see a search bar in the top navbar across all app pages. This search bar will match against content in your dream journal's "Dream Name" and "Dream Details" text.

What are the journal entry attributes?

When adding a new dream, you will have a series of sliders that let you quickly qualify some key attributes of your dream. These attributes help you track changes in your dream activity over time and provide valuable data for our AI analysts to better understand the impact of your dreams.

  • sleep quality - How restful and satisfying was your sleep session?
  • lucidity - How much control did you feel over the dream?
  • vividity - How intense and colorful was the content of the dream?
  • detail - How complex and detailed did the dream feel?
  • recall - How much of the dream can you clearly recall?
  • prophetic meaning - How much of the dream felt to be predictive of future events?
  • personal relevance - How much of the dream felt directly tied to your personal life?
  • dream length - How long was this dream in relative comparison?
  • recurrent themes - How much of the dream content seemed to contain recurring themes?

How do I track my dreams with the analytics tools?

In addition to the AI analysis feature, which consumes credits, we also offer free analytics tools to help you better understand your dream journal data.

Screenshot of the graphing tool in the analytics page

These tools include graphs that show changes in dream attributes (like vividness, lucidity, etc.) over time, so that you can track key attributes that you're interested in and see how your routines, bed time, etc. may affect your sleep and dream quality.

Screenshot of the themes section of the analytics page

Beyond dynamic graph generation we have an automated theme detection system that automatically analyzes your dream content for common themes and delivers clear, easy to understand cards, so you can see what your most common dream content is, of course the more data you add the more reflective of your inner self this list will become.

Screenshot of the wordcloud section of the analytics page

We also provide a word cloud which is the result of a deep analysis of the text descriptions you provide and allows you to visually explore the connections certain words have to your dream journal entries. The larger the word, the more often it shows up in your dream descriptions. Each word in the word cloud is a link, when you click it you will automatically be redirected to journal entries that contain the word.

How do I share a dream journal entry?

Screenshot of the share button in a dream journal entry

After you add a dream it will appear on your journal page and it will have a 'Share this dream' button at the bottom of the entry. Generating a shared dream link will create a publicly accessible URL that requires no login or account to view. This shared page will contain your dream journal entry (just as you see it in your dream journal) and any AI analyses you've done for that particular entry. Once a dream has been shared, you can manage the shared link directly from the dream journal page. You can enable or disable this link at any time. When you delete a dream entry from your journal, this also removes the shared link.

What are Milestones, Titles, and Quests?

These are achievements or recognitions of your progress that sometimes include rewards like bonus credits. You can track your Milestones, Titles, and Quests from within the Profile page.

Screenshot of the milestones section of the profile page

If you want to see more information about a particular Milestone, Title or Quest - you can click on the individual card for more information (i.e. How it was unlocked, or if it included bonus credits). Clicking it again will close the expanded card. You can also set your chosen title on this page (Though we don't quite have any functional use for this title just yet!)

Screenshot of the title section of the profile page

How do the tutorials work?

Screenshot of a tutorial on the dashboard page

When you first visit a page in the app (Dashboard, Journal, Analytics, or Profile), a guided tutorial will walk you through its main features. These tutorials explain how to add a dream entry, use analytics, and track your progress and they can be skipped if you'd rather not follow them.

Can I delete a journal entry?

Screenshot of the delete confirmation popup when deleting a journal

Yes, you can delete any journal entry from the Journal page. Just find the entry you want to delete and click the red circle in the upper right-hand side of the journal entry. You will be asked to confirm you wish to delete the entry. Once a dream entry is deleted, it cannot be recovered. NOTE: This will also delete/remove any associated shared link.

Is Somninaut available on mobile?

Somninaut is a web-based app that’s fully mobile-friendly! You can access and use all features via your mobile browser. If you experience any issues with mobile use or have suggestions on ways to make the experience better, please feel free to contact us via [email protected].

How can I contact support if I have an issue?

If you need assistance, contact our support team at [email protected]. Please include as much information as possible about your issue, and, if it’s technical, provide the steps needed to reproduce the issue.

Is my data safe?

Yes! We take your privacy seriously and use encryption and secure protocols to ensure that your dream journal entries and personal data are safe. You can review our privacy policy for more information.